
corn starch 玉米淀粉。

corn syrup

We are the biggest manufacturer and exporter of corn products from china , the output of corn starch 1 . 3 million mts , corn gluten feed 170000mts , liquid glucose 150000mts , corn gluten meal 100000mts , corn germ cake 70000mts , oral glucose 50000mts , refined corn oil 40000mts , oxidized starch 20000 mts , acetyl oxidized starch 20000mts , cationic starch 10000mts , inositol 1300mts . please do not hesitate to contact me if you interest in our products . name : lisa yang tel : 0086 - 536 - 6088689 fax : 0086 - 536 - 6051835 e - mail : yjp5858 @ 163 . com 目前公司形成年產玉米淀粉130萬噸玉米蛋白飼料17萬噸液體葡萄糖漿15萬噸玉米蛋白粉10萬噸玉米油4萬噸胚芽餅8萬噸變性淀粉5萬噸肌醇1300噸口服葡萄糖5萬多噸的多元化產品結構。

Other than those items which specify using conventional plastics , all of our products will be made from fully biodegradable materials , these materials were made from annually renewal bio - base materials e . g . wheat and corn starch etc , such that , after disposal , these products will decomposed completely by microbes to carbon dioxide “ co 購物袋和垃圾袋外,我們其它所有產品均使用可完全生物分解的材料制成,這些材料的主要成份均是每年能再生的生物基材料例如小麥玉米淀粉等,當產品使用及棄置后,能在短時間被自然界中的微生物細菌分解成無害的二氧化碳和水。

Researchers mixed corn starch with cocoa to produce a heat - resistant chocolate that , they say , compares “ favourably with conventional milk chocolate in terms of colour , taste , smoothness and overall acceptability “ . the starch acts as a chocolate thickener and prevents the cocoa butter running in the heat . in taste tests the new recipe found general approval , although it was found to be slightly less sweet than milk chocolate 玉米淀粉可以增加巧克力的濃度,防止可可油在受熱后融化。科學家表示,與普通的牛奶巧克力相比,這種巧克力無論在色澤口感光滑度等方面都更受市場歡迎。他們認為,盡管這種耐熱巧克力的味道不如普通牛奶巧克力那么甜,但它的口味一定更符合大眾需求。

The corn refining industy was estabished in 1848 in america . the world war stimulated the development of corn refining and the corn refiner got much more economic profits . the comprehensive utilization of corn was realized and a variety of modified starch were developed before 1950s in america . after 1960s , the corn refiners in america created lots of bioproducts from corn starch by the fermentation . first of all , the hfcs which has been a popular product at present was largely produced . moreover , many organic acids and sugar , alcohols were produced as chemical materials . the corn refiners in the america are focusing on developing new corn refining products which can take the place of petrol products 美國玉米加工業始建于1848年,第一、二次世界大戰刺激了玉米加工業的發展,并使美國玉米加工企業獲得了大量的經濟利益.本世紀50年代前,美國玉米加工業就已實現了綜合利用,并開發了多種變性淀粉. 60年代以后實現了從淀粉到生物技術產品的轉化.首先,玉米高果糖漿實現了工業化生產,并成為目前玉米加工業的主要產品.此外,以葡萄糖為原料,生產有機酸、醇等化工原料.目前,美國加工業正致力于開發替代石油制品的玉米深加工產品

We are the biggest deep processing enterprise of maize of china , and supplying you annually with corn starch 1 . 3 million mts , corn gluten feed 170000mts , liquid glucose 150000mts , corn gluten meal 100000mts , corn germ cake 70000mts , oral glucose 50000mts , refined corn oil 40000mts , oxidized starch 20000 mts , acetyl oxidized starch 20000mts , cationic starch 10000mts , inositol 1300mts . please do not hesitate to contact me if you interest in our products . name : lisa yang tel : 0086 - 536 - 6088689 fax : 0086 - 536 - 6051835 e - mail : yjp5858 @ 163 . com 目前公司形成年產玉米淀粉130萬噸玉米蛋白飼料17萬噸液體葡萄糖漿15萬噸玉米蛋白粉10萬噸玉米油4萬噸胚芽餅8萬噸變性淀粉5萬噸肌醇1300噸口服葡萄糖5萬多噸的多元化產品結構。

The capsule substances of dha powder is a metamorphic edible starch which extracted from metamorphic corn starch , it is imported from america , it has high rate of embedded . the bad permeability supply quality assurance to products manufacture and storage Dha粉未所用囊材由美國進口的變性玉米淀粉中獲取的一種變性食用淀粉,它有很高的包埋率,滲透性差,給產品的制造和貯存提供了質量保證。

One of the stable fusants f3 , morphologically resembled t - 730 , and produced maximally 40 . 9mg / ml itaconic acid from raw corn starch ( 10 % ) at 6 days of cultivation . the productivity of itaconic acid from raw corn starch was 66 通過對f3進行發酵的初步探討,結果表明,以10生淀粉為碳源,連續發酵6天, f3的衣康酸產酸率達到40 . 9mg ml ,對供給淀粉濃度的轉化率為40 . 9 。

Lin , j . h . , 2006 , degradation rates and physicochemical properties of rice and corn starches with different amylose contents treated in methanol containing hydrochloric acid ” , ph . d . dissertation , providence university , taichung , taiwan 林政樺。 2006 。不同直鏈淀粉含量米及玉米淀粉于酸-甲醇處理中之降解速率及其理化特性之探討。靜宜大學食品營養研究所博士論文。

The optimum conditions in wheat bran and rice bran on solid state fermentation were 3 % corn starch as additional carbon sources , 4 % ( nh4 ) 2 so4 as additional nitrogen sources , 60 % moisture content of the medium , 25 在麩皮米糠培養基中,添加3的玉米淀粉、 4的( nh _ 4 ) _ 2804可顯著提高固體曲中植酸酶酶活,培養基最佳含水量為60 ;最佳產酶溫度為25 。

Peal and boil till cooked the lotus root , cut into rounds . mix together to make a paste the purple rice , minced chicken , salt , msg , one egg white and 30g dissolved corn starch 雞茸、鹽、味精適量,雞蛋清1個,濕淀粉30克,加紫米飯拌勻,抹在藕片上合二為一;

Zhucheng xingmao corn developing co . , ltd is the largest manufacturer and top exporter in china . we produce a series of corn starch and byproducts as followings 諸城興貿玉米開發有限公司是國內三大玉米淀粉生產企業之一,年產玉米淀粉160萬噸,葡萄糖漿100000噸。

Peal and boil till cooked the lotus root , cut into rounds . mix together to make a paste the purple rice , minced chicken , salt , msg , one egg white and 30g dissolved corn starch 雞茸鹽味精適量,雞蛋清1個,濕淀粉30克,加紫米飯拌勻,抹在藕片上合二為一

Heat up 4 tbsps of oil in a wok , dip the shrimps in corn starch and deep - fry them until cooked . drain the shrimps and take away the oil from the wok 在鑊子燒熱約4湯匙油,把中蝦沾上粟粉后,放入油鍋中以半煎炸的形式把蝦煎熟;取出后,隔去鑊中油分。

Corn starch sugar is more and more popular to all kinds of drink factories and food factories . after the item is constructed , the market demands will be satisfied 玉米粉淀糖越來越受到各類飲料、食品等廠家歡迎,項目建成后,可提供市場需求。

This line adopts potato starch , corn starch as material to produce potato chips , potato sticks and many other kinds of twice extrusion food 該生產線以馬鈴薯淀粉、玉米淀粉等為原料,生產薯片、薯條等多種造型的二次擠壓膨化食品。

An optimizing medium was obtained via orthogonal experiment . the optimized concentration : cornsteep 2g / l , corn starch 90g / l and soybean cakepowder 10g / l 發酵培養基優化后使突變株zi38的阿細菌素產量達到了4200ug ml左右。

Lightly coat the marinated fish with corn starch and fry them in a heated wok filled with oil until light golden . drain and place in a plate 燒熱油鍋,把腌過的魚肉,撲上玉米淀粉,炸至金黃色,放到紙巾上濾油。然后擺盤。

We interesting to buy corn grain for feeditive & corn starch for food grade . , and wish to make a long term of business 我們想求購可食用的玉米和玉米淀粉,希望我們可以進行長期合作。數量: 1000兆噸;包裝: 60公斤。

Heat the wok then add 6 c . of oil . mix the crab with 2 t . of corn starch and fry the crab pieces for 3 - 4 minutes or till golden brown 炸油燒開,將螃蟹炸約三四分鐘,或至金黃色,撈出瀝乾油,再將螃蟹和拌料